Monday, September 27, 2010

A Nature Walk in Turkey... on the Main Road

Just some more amazing tufa climbing here... (We haven't even climbed here yet.)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Extreme Turkish Wildlife, Parts 2 and 2.5

Just when you think it's safe to wash your underwear...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Turkey/ JoSiTo

Getting ready to head back to Arlanda/ Stockholm by bus
Karlstad bus station
E 18

Waiting for the 2:45 am first flight to Turkey



Busting out of Antalya, heading for the hills

En route to the mountains/ JoSiTo
Favorite beer here

Catching some shut-eye

Checking out the Umgebung

Post 45 or 50 hours of travel in four or five days

Getting ready for Everest

Man in the bar

Manning the bar

Home for seven weeks

Post red-eye from Sweden, 95F/ 35 C

Working in the kitchen



Arriving in Stockholm/ Arlanda

Driving to Karlstad on the E 18

Swedish Countryside

Making whipped cream.

Late evening fika.


Strange Swedish culture

En route to the 50-year-olds' birthday party

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Goodbye Montana; Hello Sweden, Turkey

Tomorrow I'll take three planes to Stockholm, Sweden. Will spend a few days there, and then head right to the Antalya region of Turkey to climb and stay at the climber hostel/ camp, JoSiTo for seven weeks. The climbing there looks amazing...

After that, it's back to Sweden for November/ early December.

More soon!