Last weekend we went to a family wedding on the west coast of Sweden, in Stenungsund. The wedding ceremony took place on Saturday afternoon, so we managed a morning sport climbing session on Saturday and a brief bouldering tour on Sunday.
Sport climbing near Stengungsund. Very fun, though short, schist cliff.
Sport climbing near Stenungsund
View across the way from the cliff
Site of the wedding
View from the reception hall
Fisher cabins
The bride and groom arrive by boat.
Jakob "Wild Pony" Strömner graciously tours us around his legendary haunts near Stenungsund.
On Saturday we loaded up the car for a 1.5-day trip to Missingmyr, Norway for some sport climbing. Though we only had 30 hours, we still fit in two nearly full days of climbing, some Norwegian Yatzee, and a dip in the ocean -thanks to the long Scandinavian summer daylight hours.
Norwegian landscape.
The short approach into Missingmyr; note the cliff band, visible through the trees.
A small cliff with a dense collection of routes at a great angle.